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 Did anyone Read this Article ? Car with Covid 19 number plate has been sitting at the Airport for months
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 9:13:52 AM on 14 July 2020.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
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This is a very odd story on the ABC .
Apparently There has been a BMW Car parked at the Airport for months on end and the Number Plate is Covid 19 !!!
So it brings us to a point in time before things got bad here .

have a read https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-07-13/car-with-number-plate-covid-19-parked-at-adelaide-airport/12448962

 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 10:54:02 AM on 14 July 2020.
Irext's avatar
 Location: Werribee South, VIC
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That is truly bizarre and why would you even want that as a number plate?

 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 11:03:51 AM on 14 July 2020.
Ian Robertson's Gravatar
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I recall seeing a luxury car with the plate MABO-OT. The clear implication IMO was that's where the money came from..
Maybe our BMW owner is making a motza out of it?

 Return to top of page · Post #: 4 · Written at 11:41:35 AM on 14 July 2020.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
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SA and WA are the only states with 7-character number plates. So only one other person can apply for it, let alone have it. Why someone would bother is beyond me - it's a case of fools and their money are soon parted.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 5 · Written at 1:04:11 PM on 14 July 2020.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
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It's very odd , because at the time the number plates had been ordered,Here in Oz nobody was concerned about the virus or giving it much attention,plus added to the fact the car has just been sitting at the airport.
Can't wait to read the conspiracy theories that will come out about this one!
Interesting for sure.


 Return to top of page · Post #: 6 · Written at 8:41:06 PM on 15 July 2020.
GTC's avatar
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 7 · Written at 4:00:30 PM on 16 July 2020.
Robbbert's avatar
 Location: Hill Top, NSW
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When I first saw this story on the ABC link above, I thought "so what?".

But it's interesting that SA will allow almost anything on their number plates but QLD are more prudish.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 8 · Written at 4:21:12 PM on 16 July 2020.
GTC's avatar
 Location: Sydney, NSW
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Yeah, I have no difficulty at all with that plate. Apart from anything else, it serves to remind people that the virus is still with us (and may be for a very long time).

NSW is probably the epitome of the Sanctimonious Nanny State in Oz. I find that once you start banning things on the basis that someone might be offended by it, a percentage of the population finds more and more reasons (and entitlement) to be offended by everything.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 9 · Written at 6:29:50 PM on 16 July 2020.
Robbbert's avatar
 Location: Hill Top, NSW
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The problem with being offended is that it's a personal thing. Nobody else knows exactly what will offend you, therefore why should nanny states ban anything? If you personally find something to be offensive, it's up to you to manage that.

But if you think something might offend someone else, butt out and mind your own business. I don't need busybodies telling me what I should or shouldn't like. Too many people around with nothing useful to do.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 10 · Written at 7:23:08 PM on 16 July 2020.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
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I was in Balmain one day and this Limo pulled up next to me with the number plate,
" Evie" ...well could only be tired into Stevie Wright I assume.
Sad about him , he never got off Heroin and booze. Amazing writer and even way back in the Easy Beats years they were an Amazing band. Easy bests Records are hard to get and and many are worth a lot.
I liked the Easy beats , such great songs like ," sorry" Stevie had that deep sleep therapy in the 70s to get him off the booze and heroin. Unfortunately we know how it ended .
But the song Evie part 1 and 2 will always a great song


 Return to top of page · Post #: 11 · Written at 9:34:43 PM on 16 July 2020.
NewVista's avatar
 Location: Silver City WI, US
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"Easy Beats"

I have an unusual LP that has Coke jingles by them (starts at 2:50 mark)

 Return to top of page · Post #: 12 · Written at 9:47:38 PM on 16 July 2020.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
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Hey Vista !! not sure what you are going too do that Record ,,hahha ...........
Should of been something like this ...




 Return to top of page · Post #: 13 · Written at 2:21:07 AM on 17 July 2020.
MonochromeTV's avatar
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That's a great selection there of 60's Aussie/Kiwi groups doing those Coke ad's.

Stevie Wright & George Young were co-writers on six early Easybeats songs. All the later stuff like Friday On My Mind & Evie was written by George Young & Harry Vanda.

Here is a Easybeats Coke ad introduced by Billy Thorpe.


 Return to top of page · Post #: 14 · Written at 6:04:39 AM on 17 July 2020.
NewVista's avatar
 Location: Silver City WI, US
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These are some good links, the Young Brothers were so talented!

 Return to top of page · Post #: 15 · Written at 8:14:53 AM on 17 July 2020.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
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Yes there is anther Great ...Thorpe...!!! Wow he could sing a range of diffrent songs and nobody ever could sing this better than Thorpe .
Its just full of emotions ..


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