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 Lovely cabinet, But... what is it?
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 5:01:36 PM on 26 February 2010.
Marc's avatar
 Location: Endeavour Hills, VIC
 Member since 2 February 2010
 Member #: 616
 Postcount: 31


I found this lovely cabinet in a furniture repairers shop, I have no idea what it is but I had to have it knowing I have no hope of finding the chassis and rationalising that I can build an AM receiver for it.

Just out of curiosity and the off chance that someone knows what it is and has a chassis, here are some pictures (sorry, really bad phone camera)

Mystery radio
Mystery radio

 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 8:59:14 PM on 28 February 2010.
2MuchJunk's Gravatar
 Location: Lithgow, NSW
 Member since 23 February 2010
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 Postcount: 21

Pardon my ignorance, but where are the pictures?
I have a cabinet in beautiful condition, which had the cabinet makers date written in pencil, and dated at 1934, but I can't identify it, neither could the historic radio society of Australia.
I would also like to get a chassis for it, but without identification, it's a little awkward.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 10:11:03 PM on 28 February 2010.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
 Member since 15 November 2005
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It's best to post 'wants' in Wanted and For Sale, giving as much information as possible. For things like chassis' responses are few and far between due to the rarity of what we collectors are searching for. Pictures can be e-mailed to Brad.mail.vintage-radio.com.au and I will post them as soon as I can.

I received Marc's pictures the other night and have been a bit slow in getting it online but here they are now. Smile

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 4 · Written at 10:51:38 PM on 23 May 2010.
radiola49's Gravatar
 Location: Maryborough, VIC
 Member since 8 December 2007
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 Postcount: 36

Re MARC's radio cabinet:-
The fret work has a certain resemblance to some used by Astor for Astor and Peter Pan lines, however the cabinet itself looks much more substancial than what Radio Coerp were building, so it is probably a low volume manufacturer emulating the style of the era (This would be 1935 give ot take a few months).
Some of the low volume makers concentrated more on the "furniture" aspect rather than the technical (radio) side of the product they were marketing.
As with most products today, two things sold radios either the technical specs or the impressive presentation of the box it came in.
If you can't find a suitable period chassis to suit, there are three other options:
a/ sell it to someone who has a chassis.
b/ build your own chassis from period bits
c/ find a good performing 5 valve chassis of the 1954-60 period with a damaged case such as AWA model 573 586 etc or HMV Nipper/Kelvinator B13C, 61-51, 62-52, etc. and modify the chassis to fit the cabinet. DO NOT make any extra holes in th ecabinet , not even screw holes. Make all the mods to the chassis, with brackets etc, relocate the controls, set up a drum at front to carry a printed paper dial and string it with idler pulleys from other wrecks. It will sound terrific (especially with a 8 or 10 inch speaker to suit the baffle board) and you can still revert to original if a chassis comes along.

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