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kriesler 11-133 radiogram
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Location: Umina Beach, NSW
Member since 9 April 2020
Member #: 2410
Postcount: 33
Hey all, I'm really surprised at the amount of young people buying these radiograms. Ive only been working on them for about 3 years now and I have sold my 31st one. it was of course another Kriesler and my 3rd 11-133 and I delivered it to Bondi on Monday just gone. Kriesler by far are the easiest to work on and the best as far as I'm concerned and they look great. The fact that they were made here is a big selling point. I mean there were plenty more that were made here too. HMV, Healing, etc.The demographics in my area are young adults between the age of 20-35 and have disposable income. They either live here or are visitors and are looking at my vinyls.They just love them and these units are a piece of furniture for them and of course a talking point. Now I dont know what you guys sell these units for or if you do even sell them. I retail a Kriesler 11-133 from our shop for $750. And thats retail. Ive had 4 of the top of the line Kriesler 65/66 model 9 valve 4 way speaker system units and sold them for anywhere between $1100 and $1500. HMVs are certainly not sought after like the Krieslers are. Anyway I just thought I would share some info. And I suppose that its about who is buying these units and these, if you do sell them, are the customers to aim for.
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6780
Krielser was on a winner with the multisonic range. They look good and sound great.
Location: Albury, NSW
Member since 1 May 2016
Member #: 1919
Postcount: 2048
Yes and thats why I love them ,,I have them hidden in all the rooms here and in the basement ... But a few models are better than others ,
11 77 ,11 97 ,11 103 ....The 103 has a large following and can bring big bucks ...1500 ;;; 2000 , But it has to be spot on ! It has 7 speakers which were Megovox,
I much prefer the 11 97 though with its ,4 speakers ,Plus 2 two electrostatic tweeters... Saying that though my 1960 11 77 has the best look of all ! and it has 2 ....8 inch Rolas and sounds Great and has my floor boards in fine tune with harmonic distortion shaking this old house to 60s Music !!
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