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 5 degrees in the kitchen this morning!
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 9:26:06 AM on 12 April 2020.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
 Member since 1 May 2016
 Member #: 1919
 Postcount: 2048

Yep it was 5 degrees !
Just getting the furniture ready to start burning it !
I pulled up the old carpet a couple of weeks ago to start sanding the floor boards . It's all bare still
It has that 1930s Grapes of wrath feeling about this morning.


 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 10:56:40 AM on 12 April 2020.
Ian Robertson's Gravatar
 Location: Belrose, NSW
 Member since 31 December 2015
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Remember I said you'd have to line the ceiling of the basement?

I grew up in a house like that, remember it well.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 11:27:32 AM on 12 April 2020.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
 Member since 1 May 2016
 Member #: 1919
 Postcount: 2048

Yeah I will have do that soon.
It was 6am when it was 5 degrees in the kitchen,but the days are nice .
It's not winter yet though!

 Return to top of page · Post #: 4 · Written at 2:43:12 PM on 12 April 2020.
Tallar Carl's avatar
 Location: Latham, ACT
 Member since 21 February 2015
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 Postcount: 2187

You have a basement. Lucky you!
A house always represents a never ending list of things to do.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 5 · Written at 3:46:17 PM on 12 April 2020.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
 Member since 1 May 2016
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 Postcount: 2048

Yeah Carl ,lots of storage, although it needs organising since the move.
Actually I don't mind fixing up houses,it gives me something productive to do in this lockdown
Making any money and work has completely stopped in this lockdown.
So I will paint the house and when that's done I have some time for TV's and Radiograms that have been waiting to be restored or finish off.
Now is my chance ,can't go anywhere anyway.
No luscious creatures knocking on the door with a bottle of wine in hand either!


 Return to top of page · Post #: 6 · Written at 3:13:36 AM on 13 April 2020.
Tallar Carl's avatar
 Location: Latham, ACT
 Member since 21 February 2015
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 Postcount: 2187

When things have settled and your wife comes back from the phillippines we might drive down that way to say hello.
We would be ready to hit the road by then.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 7 · Written at 9:00:15 AM on 13 April 2020.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
 Member since 1 May 2016
 Member #: 1919
 Postcount: 2048

Hello Carl,
Ok Carl sounds good.
Hope the house is more set up by then.
My wife " venie" is in Binan which is in Laguna.lots happening over there her dad is not well. She is a Electrical engineer, but she through it in to teach English to Korean's.


 Return to top of page · Post #: 8 · Written at 8:01:54 PM on 13 April 2020.
Tallar Carl's avatar
 Location: Latham, ACT
 Member since 21 February 2015
 Member #: 1705
 Postcount: 2187

Pete I spoke to my wife this morning ( yes it happens occasionally lol ) and she said that she was born in Laguna and sounded very keen.
And the amazing thing is that three of my sister's inlaw are all teaching english to Koreans. It must be in demand over there.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 9 · Written at 11:05:39 AM on 14 April 2020.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
 Member since 1 May 2016
 Member #: 1919
 Postcount: 2048

It's because we have a daughter who is 5 so teaching is flexible, crap money ,but it's a compromise . Pearl was born there too in Binan , I lived there for awhile .
I met my wife in Sydney and life was not going so good here so we went and lived in Phil , which I loved .
I would live there full time if not for my daughter who is better off here in Oz.
She has no memory of being there . Because when she was born we came home back to oz

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