Location: Hill Top, NSW
Member since 18 September 2015
Member #: 1801
Postcount: 2068
I don't expect these people know that. It will mostly go to waste I reckon.
Location: Albury, NSW
Member since 1 May 2016
Member #: 1919
Postcount: 2048
Those people are not thinking clearly.
But that's how you keep spuds.
Years ago people would build a veggie cabinet in the kitchen. You make one door out of peg board so the air gets to the veggies but not much light , it keeps them cold too.
It's a country way to keep them ,old school .
I have built them and they work great .cheap to make ....just a bit of peg board for a door and put a bit of fly screen on the back to keep the bugs out
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6756
After a while, they turn green
... and become poisonous -- potentially fatally poisonous to some.
Location: Albury, NSW
Member since 1 May 2016
Member #: 1919
Postcount: 2048
Yes the potato famine in Ireland in the 1800s killed about 1 million people .
Those that even had any potatoes were green potatos .
That's a lot of people for a small country.
Location: Werribee South, VIC
Member since 30 September 2016
Member #: 1981
Postcount: 485
If they start to sprout plant them in the garden. Works on Mars according to the movie.
Location: Albury, NSW
Member since 1 May 2016
Member #: 1919
Postcount: 2048
One of the worst days at the shops.
No meats and it's a real struggle to get simple things All the shelves were empty.
No flour,metho, sugar , spuds loo paper, etc,
I found the meat a real problem to buy and when you did find it , wow expensive!
Oh no Can food either
It's reported on the news that bus load hoarders are coming in and buying up food ,mainly from Melbourne.
I saw it on the news,but I know a lady whos husband is a cop and she told me about.
The cops check their licence and send them home again apparently.
Wow people are flipping out ! , remember the old saying? Have a Bex and lay down .!
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Member since 2 October 2019
Member #: 2392
Postcount: 271
Pete I was lucky enough to find a box of 10 pump hand sanitisers in storage! You won’t find anything alcohol based around here at the moment. There was some caned food so bought some of that as who knows when the next Melbourne raiders will come!
Location: Albury, NSW
Member since 1 May 2016
Member #: 1919
Postcount: 2048
I always have a couple gallons of metho under the house for furniture and project jobs .
So I won't run out of metho.
Food is a hassle because I need to bargain shop on my income even before coronavirus.
What's left on the shelves is top dollar.
We can all eat dog food soon , plenty of that at the shops !
Whats old and smells of dog food??
A pensioners fart !
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Member since 2 October 2019
Member #: 2392
Postcount: 271
The problem is it’s getting to the point where normal people have to climb over each other just to get a normal amount food before the dooms day preppers buy everything like it’s the last day on earth! Where do people get the time to drive for two hours from Melbourne just to buy up everything for themselves? It shows the savage animal in some people and just how far they would go! I’m rather disappointed in the human race in times like these. I’d have thought people would have learned to be rational thinkers but clearly not. There’s plenty of food and supply’s for everyone but a lot of people don’t seem to understand that.
Location: Albury, NSW
Member since 1 May 2016
Member #: 1919
Postcount: 2048
Yes ,I wondered that also. How come they have time to drive 3 hours each way to buy food? Perhaps it's not for them and is a " business" adventure?
It's sad to think that people can't be a bit more civilized in this time of uncertainty.
Plus in Australia we are not going to run out of food ! There was a time in the past where we fed most of the world.
Food is not a issue in Australia
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
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Postcount: 7382
75% of what comes off our farms is exported. We have to do that because primary industry is the only level of industry that dominates our economy. With that, the remaining 25% is ample, providing that self-serving fools don't continue to spoil things for those who can think with their brain instead of their bumcrack.
There was a case the other day where someone came out of the supermarket with so much spaghetti sauce and pasta they could have fed the Italian Army for a week.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Belrose, NSW
Member since 31 December 2015
Member #: 1844
Postcount: 2449
Might be for a restaurant....
My local cafe gets all his supplies from the Aldi next door.
Interesting to note the other day that the only canned tomatos and flour left on the shelves was from Italy! OMG these people are stupid.
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7382
I never buy canned tomatoes though I can concede that they have a longer shelf life than those that are still fresh. I'd rather eat what our farmers produce.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Hill Top, NSW
Member since 18 September 2015
Member #: 1801
Postcount: 2068
Then we have all these restrictions on how much one can buy. So, instead of doing my shopping once a week, now I have to do it every day, or visit multiple shops. I don't think they have thought this through.
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6756
I don't think they have thought this through.
That's for sure. It's all knee-jerk stuff based on inexperience. In WW2 people were issued ration cards to level out the nonsense. (I guess there was a black market in those cards, too.) For many years I had a WW2 ration card that my mother gave me. I don't know where it went -- lost over many house moves I suppose.
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