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HRSA Melbourne cancels March meeting due to coronavirus
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Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
Member #: 823
Postcount: 6747
President Kevin Poulter's notice says:
QUOTE: Given we are a senior citizens group, with many friends and relatives at greater risk than the overall community, the Melbourne Group has decided not to hold next Saturday’s meeting, (March 21st). We are also in “watch and wait” for the April activities, very hopeful that they can go ahead. This “first ever” cancellation is for the HRSA Melbourne Group only and other groups around Australia will make their own decision about meetings, so check with your committee.
Probably a good idea given the demographic. My calendar is currently pretty full of weekend events for some months ahead. I guess they will go the same way.
Location: Albury, NSW
Member since 1 May 2016
Member #: 1919
Postcount: 2048
Wise move
The Canadians say they have come up with a vaccine,but it would not be available to the public until at least November.
Bit of a wait so save your junk mail as the loo paper will be all gone by then!
Location: NSW
Member since 10 June 2010
Member #: 681
Postcount: 1293
The bottom line of control of the virus spread seems to be to keep the rate low enough so that the hospitals (and other essential services) are not overwhelmed, and especially to keep the number of severe cases less than the number of available ventilators.
Seeing as us old codgers are more likely to be severe cases, the HRSA move is right. We especially should avoid getting the bug until a vaccination or treatment (such as there is for the virus HIV), or until enough people have had the mild form of it for there to be a community immunity so that we are unlikely to catch it.
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5348
I have just copped a bout of Bronchitis. I may have triggered that working on an HMV set I have here. Respiratory system has been chemically burnt so is susceptible.
As that now leaves it vulnerable to infection I have uninvited myself to every meeting next week. Annoying as one was to be running the ute around Winton race track. However, aside from the people. Bronchitis, whist in this case is not contagious is not compatible with a situation like that, should something cause a coughing episode.
As for the toilet paper stupidity? Years ago we used newspaper. It had texture & characteristics similar to Government issue stuff anyway. Besides with modern newspapers, if you choose that endues, the content added will be not be that different to the literature therein.
Part of our issue is "Too clean" & that weakens the immune system. One wonders if this virus being zoological in origin (apparently) is not as I have mentioned before a mutation of Rabbit Calicivirus and that's why people a running around behaving like bunch of Rabbits?
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