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 The sound of valve Radiograms.
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 3:39:54 PM on 1 March 2020.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
 Member since 1 May 2016
 Member #: 1919
 Postcount: 2048

At the moment I'm painting the lounge room and I've thrown out the carpets to sand the pine floor boards. My Kriesler lives in the this lounge room and it's cabinet is made from Baltic pine!!
It has 6 valves and 2 , 8 inch Rola speakers and sound it puts out In a room full of timber is mind blowing. The tone is warm and if radiograms are placed in the right room the sound is wonderful.
It's like being in a Hall on the dance floor with wooden floor boards .
Winter might be a bit cold though,but the sound is worth shivering for !!


 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 9:31:29 PM on 1 March 2020.
Ian Robertson's Gravatar
 Location: Belrose, NSW
 Member since 31 December 2015
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Yes, all that even harmonic distortion!

"That's not an amplifier. It's a musical instrument!"

Re painting, Pete, I had to clearcoat a very badly weathered bakelite cabinet tonight. Looks great but would look better buffed I think, there's a little bit of orange peel. What should I use?

 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 9:47:32 PM on 1 March 2020.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
 Member since 1 May 2016
 Member #: 1919
 Postcount: 2048

Hi Ian,
Go down to Coles or Woolies and buy the Amor all polish, I've not had silicon issues with it .
But if it has orange peel you will need to rub it down with wet and dry paper,
1800 ,2000 grit just lightly.
Just use water with wet and dry then polish it.
Sounds like you have a few jobs going on down there Ian ...pete

Ps if you ever need to paint one again,just near you at brooky you can buy 2 PAC in a spray can!! It has a button on the bottom of the Can that squirts the hardner into the can!
Magic stuff, but toxic so mask on outside

 Return to top of page · Post #: 4 · Written at 7:07:08 AM on 2 March 2020.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
 Member since 15 November 2005
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Kriesler did tend to go to that extra effort with their top-of-line models.

I have a ten-valve (including rectifier and magic eye) AWA radiogram from the 1940s and it has one large woofer. It is a very loud unit when the volume is turned up but it would have been nice for AWA to include a second smaller speaker too, given the status this unit enjoyed in the market.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

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