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 Philips 168 & Fleetwood 1054 . help please
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 9:12:09 PM on 1 January 2010.
Uncle Bob's Gravatar
 Location: Morphett Vale, SA
 Member since 30 December 2009
 Member #: 595
 Postcount: 11

I have a Fleetwood 1054 and I am looking for any info and wireing circuit for it.
I found a collector on the web.
OZ radio web site.http://ozradio.wireless.org.au/valve.htm.
Tried to contact him with the Email address link supplied,
The emails send are returned as not deliverable. This man has a collection of 40s - 60s radios including Philips model 168 & Fleetwood model 1054 and other simular models.

Can anyone help me to contact this person.

If any one can offer anything on Philips / fleetwood radios it would be much appreciated.

My first post.
Regards, Uncle Bob

Uncle Bob

 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 10:04:23 PM on 1 January 2010.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
 Member since 15 November 2005
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 Postcount: 7377

G'day Bob and welcome to the Vintage Radio forums. Quite often people change their e-mail address and forget to update this on their webpages. When this happens there's no easy way to contact the site's owner, especially if they don't own the domain name associated with the website. Don't give up though.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 1:45:13 AM on 2 January 2010.
Uncle Bob's Gravatar
 Location: Morphett Vale, SA
 Member since 30 December 2009
 Member #: 595
 Postcount: 11

Thank's Brad for your welcome to the Vintage Radio forums .
I have several Radios & record players that I have restored .
My favourite is a Edison cilinder phonograph restored from a rusty mouse infected heap . purchased from a gararge sale .
If posible I would like to send you pictures of my radio & gramaphone colection .
You can use them on the Vintage Radio site at your discresion .
One of my colection might find its way to Radio of the week ! .

I read on the forum ,
Tony Maher's MOSFET DC-DC converters. 90 volts from six AA batteries.
I would like to see this circuit if I can , Can it be sent to me or how can I find it please ? .
My Email address
Regards ,
Uncle Bob

Uncle Bob

 Return to top of page · Post #: 4 · Written at 9:20:53 AM on 2 January 2010.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
 Member since 15 November 2005
 Member #: 1
 Postcount: 7377

G'day Bob,

It's probably not a bad idea for Radio of the Week to be shared amongst the site's membership. At the moment, only my own radios play a starring role but the problem here is that the cream of my crop is small and thus, some radios appear twice throughout the year.

I'll give that some thought over the next few weeks and naturally, anyone else's images would be displayed only with their consent and the owner would receive the appropriate credit for it.

If you'd like any images relevant to this thread included in your post, just e-mail them to Brad.mail.vintage-radio.com.au and I will sort it out for you. I am currently working on a new function for this website (which, incidentally, is proving to be a challenging task) where each member will receive their own folder on the server for storing any images they want to display in their posts. Once I perfect this and make sure there are no security problems associated with it I will let everyone know about it and how it will work.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 5 · Written at 11:22:56 AM on 2 January 2010.
Uncle Bob's Gravatar
 Location: Morphett Vale, SA
 Member since 30 December 2009
 Member #: 595
 Postcount: 11

Thanks for your help Brad .
I have looked at you page showing the server setup .
Quite undestand your a challenging task but it will be good that members can have a file to load there pictures into .
I cant read & write very well , but pictures are what I look for when available .

.I will send pictures of my toys to your email address .

Can members acsess the members list ? .
The Members Sidebar shows Members List .
I was unable to acsess it ,
Can you explain it for me please ..

Uncle Bob

Uncle Bob

 Return to top of page · Post #: 6 · Written at 4:04:48 PM on 2 January 2010.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
 Member since 15 November 2005
 Member #: 1
 Postcount: 7377

Ahhhh yes, oddly enough there is a page that shows the list of Members however it has never been activated in the six years the site has been running. That may get looked at before March when the page allowing members to update their account details goes live.

That rack of servers is in my laundry. Probably not the best place as when the dryer is running the room is hot and steamy but there is forced ventilation behind the rack cabinet and those servers are quite tough.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 7 · Written at 12:18:24 AM on 3 January 2010.
Uncle Bob's Gravatar
 Location: Morphett Vale, SA
 Member since 30 December 2009
 Member #: 595
 Postcount: 11

Brad I was interested to see if there were any people I now on Vintage radio forum .
My brother Gordon is a Ameture radio operater & some of our friends of Years back were also Ameture Radio operaters .

I am still looking for some info on .
Tony Maher's MOSFET DC-DC converters. 90 volts from six AA batteries.
Can you direct me to Tony Maher writing on the subject if it is on the Vintage Radio forum .

Regards Unkle Bob ,
Bob Crawford .
Adelaide SA

Uncle Bob

 Return to top of page · Post #: 8 · Written at 12:52:17 AM on 3 January 2010.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
 Member since 15 November 2005
 Member #: 1
 Postcount: 7377

G'day Bob,

There's no-one by that name here as far as I can see. This may be what you are looking for though.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 9 · Written at 12:21:02 PM on 3 January 2010.
Gfr53's Gravatar
 Location: Harston, VIC
 Member since 28 February 2009
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 Postcount: 145

G'day Bob,

Can I have your email address please? I have some info on where you can contact Tony.

Cheers Graham...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 10 · Written at 12:47:11 PM on 3 January 2010.
Uncle Bob's Gravatar
 Location: Morphett Vale, SA
 Member since 30 December 2009
 Member #: 595
 Postcount: 11

G'day Graham & Brad .
My email address is -

Thank's for the help you can give me re, Tony.

Uncle Bob .
Bob Crawford

Uncle Bob

 Return to top of page · Post #: 11 · Written at 3:44:29 PM on 4 January 2010.
Uncle Bob's Gravatar
 Location: Morphett Vale, SA
 Member since 30 December 2009
 Member #: 595
 Postcount: 11

Hi all .

Still Looking for circuit diagram for the ,
Philips model 168 or Fleetwood model 1054 portable radio .
If you can send it to me ,

Or direct me to where I can find it please .

Bob Crawford /

Uncle Bob

 Return to top of page · Post #: 12 · Written at 11:09:44 PM on 6 January 2010.
Arty41's Gravatar
 Location: Brisbane, QLD
 Member since 18 September 2010
 Member #: 102
 Postcount: 301

Tony Maher.



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