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Circuit Digram Needed
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Location: Armidale, NSW
Member since 20 December 2009
Member #: 589
Postcount: 71
I have just finished restoring my grandfathers STC console radio. Although I did not have the ability to restore the radio itself (had someone else do that for me). Restoring the cabinet was enough to give me the bug and have got myself an AWA Radiola 615T to restore myself.
Was hoping that someone can help with obtaining a circuit diagram/schematic for an AWA 615T radiola. I only have the basic idea of what to do like replace paper/wax capacitors and electrolytic capacitors and resistors. But I'm still in the dark about a lot of things
I was looking at some books with information on restoration and repair of valve radios. What is recommended for someone starting out. Did a bit of looking around... Old Time Radios: Restoration and Repairs and The Valve Radio and Audio Repair Handbook seemed to be the ones that come to mention.
All words of wisdom would be appreciated.
Location: Harston, VIC
Member since 28 February 2009
Member #: 442
Postcount: 145
Let me know your email address and I'll send it.
Cheers, Graham...
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
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Postcount: 7377
One of my goals for the new year is to include a detailed article for those starting out in vintage radio collection and restoration. Soon after this website went online in 2003 I made a start in the important area of workshop safety but it does go a lot further than this single issue.
Given the size of my to-do list I would say I may have something up by the middle of February but if time permits I will get something going beforehand.
One other thing I've always wanted to see here is a free availability of circuit diagrams for Australian radios. The problem I face at the moment is that I only have four or five of literally hundreds of circuit diagrams and those few are not available to me at this time as they are stored away from where I live. I would need the generous co-operation of members of this website to be able to achieve anything like this. Your thoughts on this would be appreciated.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Armidale, NSW
Member since 20 December 2009
Member #: 589
Postcount: 71
Much appriciated Graham
My email is
Thanks mate
Location: Armidale, NSW
Member since 20 December 2009
Member #: 589
Postcount: 71
This site has been a big help already and look forward to what you have planned for next year. When and where I can help I will do all I can.
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