Now for the million dollar question, were there any cool tellies at the festival???
Location: Albury, NSW
Member since 1 May 2016
Member #: 1919
Postcount: 2048
Hi all,
Pretty sure the Canberra show was on this week end and I had lots on so I couldn't go anyway ,but did any one spot any cool TV's
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
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Apart from a couple of small 70s/80s transistorised sets, no tellies to speak of that I saw. There were only a handful of console radios too so I am getting the impression that large appliances aren't on the list of most due to the difficulty in transporting them.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Albury, NSW
Member since 1 May 2016
Member #: 1919
Postcount: 2048
Thanks Brad,
I thought that may of been the case, That there were no tellies there.
So I'm glad I did not miss out on a Gem.
It's only TV's and Radiograms I have a OCD problem with. Haha.
Hope it was a great day just the same ,Pete
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7448
It has been a good weekend, aside from the gales that blew in Canberra yesterday afternoon. I don't know what the wind speed was but I had to pull down half my camp before it blew away. I camped at the EPIC Centre during the RadioFest.
Looking back at the last RadioFest in Melbourne I do recall a display of tellies there during the sale in the hall's main auditorium. I don't remember what brand it was but they were demonstrating a large console telly, possibly a 10-channel AWA Radiola with a 21 inch tube.
My haul this year was smaller than in previous years (it was actually planned that way) but I did manage to come out with two timber radios. More on that and the RadioFest in general in a thread I'll start tomorrow night.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 22 May 2017
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It was my first Radiofest and I was a little disappointed as somehow was expecting something bigger for this event also number of attendees seem small. Did note that by about 2pm still a lot of radio's did not sell.
I was how ever lucky enough to win second prize on the raffle had a choice as did the first prize winner of a genuine bakelite radio in my case a Democrat mantle or a Bright a Green digital tasma copy. Both myself and the first place winner left the Digital behind and took a real bakellite Radio. So third place winner had to take it. I think that says a lot!
Location: Albury, NSW
Member since 1 May 2016
Member #: 1919
Postcount: 2048
Actually if your looking for Radios, TV's or Radiograms , eBay has died right off and has very few listings for those type of items lately, but Gumtree is full of listings . I pick up some real Gems there. My last 3 Krieslers I picked up off Gumtree, many sellers are turning off eBay due to the cost and there is a bit of a downturn in the retail market going on , both new and second hand of late.,,pete
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7448
Ebay is an extortionate rip off these days. I don't sell on my account much these days and if I was to do something big, such as having a fire sale of my whole collection I'd run a real life auction and heavily publicise it the same way a few others have done over the last five years or so. Since Gumtree is owned by Ebay, it wouldn't surprise me if they decided to profit skim there in years to come. The ACCC should never have allowed this takeover. If Ebay had some true competition in this country, their pricing would be better, I am sure.
As for the RadioFest, the Saturday Auction has always been only available to club members and I've always felt that this has led to a smaller number of buyers and more lots being passed in. There are some cashed up members of the public out there and I am fairly sure that allowing them in would see vendors achieve higher prices for their radios and potentially all lots get sold.
At the Sunday Market there is always a good selection of items available and this event has always been open to the public. When this events is held in Melbourne it is bigger - Canberra has a population of around 440,000. Melbourne is Australia's second largest city and is probably the unofficial 'old radio capital'. It stands to reason that in Melbourne, there'll be more sellers and buyers.
I prefer Canberra because it is easier to get to from Sydney. I broke camp this morning at 10:00 and was home before 14:00 and this gave me plenty of time to unpack and get clothes washed, etc and be prepared for work tomorrow.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Albury, NSW
Member since 1 May 2016
Member #: 1919
Postcount: 2048
A few years ago I went to the Club meeting at Winston hills , At the school .I picked up a few radios . Canberra is full of old things and I would go there once per week when I ran the furniture business... Pete
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
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Canberra is full of old things
You can say that again! 
Location: Albury, NSW
Member since 1 May 2016
Member #: 1919
Postcount: 2048
Yes G, full of old things , most don't work though !! Perhaps they never did.
Location: Latham, ACT
Member since 21 February 2015
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Hey I work and I'm not old either lol.
Location: Albury, NSW
Member since 1 May 2016
Member #: 1919
Postcount: 2048
Oh Carl , we are relating more to the back benchers in the house of sitting which seems to be all they do , sit that is! Sit said the King and the court strained!
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
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Location: Silver City WI, US
Member since 10 May 2013
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To give an idea of prices stateside, I saw a 17" Predicta at recent swapmeet for $250 (the condition of its CRT unknown.) Predicta prices are holding up well on ebay it seems..but one worries about "breadth" (to borrow a term from Wall St.) That is, are all sectors in given collectable genres participating in strong pricing, or is breadth narrowing to just category leaders? (a bearish sign)
Location: Albury, NSW
Member since 1 May 2016
Member #: 1919
Postcount: 2048
Hello, seems to be a slow down going on here with retail and buy and sell. I have seen bargains not selling. I keep up to date with the second hand market regarding collectables and rare furniture...pete
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