Radio Console Battery powered
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Location: Nildottie, SA
Member since 7 April 2018
Member #: 2236
Postcount: 43
Picked this up at a clearing sale ($10) but no speaker.
No ID but other than the 1D4 being a 2V filament AWA battery valve 1935-39.
Can anyone identify this please.
Location: NSW
Member since 10 June 2010
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Your best bet in this case is to post photos of the radio, front and back, and hopefully some one will have a suggestion.
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Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
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Also note any labels and stampings on the chassis that may prove to be a model number, plus any other visible valve numbers. Do not attempt to power it.
Location: Nildottie, SA
Member since 7 April 2018
Member #: 2236
Postcount: 43
Just waiting for photos to be uploaded to post 1.
Valve line up : 1C4, 1K6, 1D4- that can be seen.
Grey chassis with blue valve shields and a switch between D and L..
Number on chassis: B0006884.
Last patent number is registered 1933.
The ARTS sticker is damaged around serial number but looks grey but must be pale blue..
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
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Photos uploaded.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Hill Top, NSW
Member since 18 September 2015
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A real battery console for the farms etc, pre-octal.
Those valves have 2 volt filaments (despite the 1 in the name).
1C4 - RF or IF remote cutoff pentode (same idea as 6U7). Replaced by the octal 1M5G in 1938.
1K6 - Pentode and 2 diodes (same idea as 6G8) same as octal 1K7G.
1D4 - Power output pentode, 0.35 watts (same idea as 3V4 despite the huge difference in size)
The shield cans are very reminiscent of AWA Radiola octal radios. The date range of 1935-1937 is suggested due to this being the time period of the short-lived 1C4.
The low power indicates a large speaker (probably 30cm) was needed, otherwise it would be difficult to hear anything.
The D-L switch is a Local-Distant switch (leave it at Distant unless you have a radio station next door). This switch most likely means no AGC.
If the radio only has those 3 valves then it isn't going to work too well. Also, no mains facility so you'll need batteries or a battery eliminator.
Make sure the heaters are intact. If some idiot has joined it to the mains at some stage then all the filaments will have burnt out.
If you can get the chassis out, there should be one more valve toward the front, being the frequency changer - assuming the radio is a superhet.
Just noticed - the dial only goes up to about 1500kHz.
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5465
Arts & P suggests 5 tubes if so it will have a three gang tuner. The first will likely be another 1C4 and the second a 1C6 which is a Pentagrid, introduced 2/34 so it will not be an autodyne. The numbers should be on the chassis.
Airzone, Aristocrat, STC, Bandmaster, Stromberg-Carlson and others used that combination for the Farm type radio. I would suspect from the wire with the ferrule on it, that there will be a "C" bias battery.
If it was made by AWA there is the possibility that caps will have AWA on them. Sometimes the IF part numbers are listed & that has them on it. There is always the hope that the model was continued & appears in AORSM's
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Member since 20 September 2011
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1937 AWA Radiolette 42B if battery, or 42V if vibrator.
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5465
IF Coils and valve line up also come up in Bandmaster so its a fair bet that AWA built it and it actually may have AGC.
Once upon a time there may have been a badge in that circle of the escutcheon
Location: Nildottie, SA
Member since 7 April 2018
Member #: 2236
Postcount: 43
Thanks for all that. I haven't pulled chassis or anything else yet.
Just gathering information at this time
Also bought a couple of battery mantle radios from same sale.
Location: Brisbane, QLD
Member since 18 September 2010
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Arts & P sticker says D ? If so try Radio Museum for AWA Radiola 161V - 161B - 259B etc.
Location: Sydney, NSW
Member since 28 January 2011
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Location: Belrose, NSW
Member since 31 December 2015
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I concur, it's an AWA 42 from 1937.
Like many battery sets the chassis at least looks to be in nice condition.
Location: Nildottie, SA
Member since 7 April 2018
Member #: 2236
Postcount: 43
Thanks, on that information, I found a photo of one restored at an auction site (Theodore Bruce). It was listed as an AWA Fisk radiolette but no date.
Location: Belrose, NSW
Member since 31 December 2015
Member #: 1844
Postcount: 2523
Date is given by the ARTS&P label. D = 1937
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