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 Disturbing day !
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 Return to top of page · Post #: 1 · Written at 4:38:27 PM on 4 August 2019.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
 Member since 1 May 2016
 Member #: 1919
 Postcount: 2048

Where I live I'm right on the Bush and it backs on to my yard , Lately kids have been playing there and I can see them from my Kitchen window .,Its always the same kids ,,,But today was different . A young girl about 11 or 12 years old appears on the Rock in the bush on her own and my wife and I saw her from the kichen window and my wife asked do I know this girl ? I said no Ive not seen her here before , She is about 30 feet from us but she can not see us at all ,Although we can see her, She makes a phone call than produces a pair of Scissors and starts to run it up her Arm and then on her Tummy ,,Hell this girl is only about 11 !!! So I jump in my can and drive up the street hoping to find her mother or father looking for her ! ,,But all I saw were much old teens and so I return home where my wife had been watching her still , The other older teens find the young girl ,But they were much older and looked Rough ,,Well ,, Gosh I had no choice but to phone the cops , I could not think of another way to handle it as I dont know where she lives of who her family were . So the cops find the girl and she is now getting assessed by the medics and it was all very disturbing to see a beautiful young aged about 11 or 12 in the bush with crying and holding scissors against her self ..... I have 3 Daughters !!!! I can understand a sick person or a much older person deciding to end their life if they have come to a point of no hope ,But this was a Child !!! This modern world is one very messed up place .


 Return to top of page · Post #: 2 · Written at 6:45:42 PM on 4 August 2019.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
 Member since 15 November 2005
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It's probably safe to say that there are times when most kids want to do themselves a mischief. Was she being bullied? Did her parents tell her she couldn't go to the shops with her school mates? Was she kept in the house as a punishment? What you saw could be for any of these reasons and/or one of many others.

Regardless of what it was, you did the right thing by leaving it to the police. I've heard many times where people have put the rescue operation in their own hands and things have taken a turn for the worst. Let's hope she gets the right care and guidance.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

 Return to top of page · Post #: 3 · Written at 6:59:06 PM on 4 August 2019.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
 Member since 1 May 2016
 Member #: 1919
 Postcount: 2048

She was pretty serious about it ,,but I feel it may of had something to do with the older teens ,,,,,,i dont know if ive done the right thing .There were not a lot of options at the time , But either way her Parents now know and thats whats important , Pete

 Return to top of page · Post #: 4 · Written at 9:38:21 AM on 5 August 2019.
Marcc's avatar
 Location: Wangaratta, VIC
 Member since 21 February 2009
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The bottom line is that it is / was probably not healthy for you to intervene personally: So the only proper and conscience clearing act that one can do, is actually have a female ring the Police. Females are less likely to make hoax calls and the Police can take her under section 351 (Vic) of the mental health act & they can get it sorted it out that way.

I other words there are ways & means, of dealing with the "situations".

And yes! The world is socially falling apart: This may be part of natures correction, as there in reality, in a greed based system, one will find on examination, most of the stresses are caused by too many human monkeys on the planet: With stresses eventually something has to give.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 5 · Written at 9:42:49 AM on 5 August 2019.
GTC's avatar
 Location: Sydney, NSW
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You did the right thing, Pete. Given the situation I'd have acted, too.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 6 · Written at 10:23:51 AM on 5 August 2019.
Irext's avatar
 Location: Werribee South, VIC
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Definitely the right move to call the police.
They have the training and the manpower to deal with this type of situation.
Usually this type of thing is a cry for help.
When outsiders get involved these things can escalate.

 Return to top of page · Post #: 7 · Written at 2:36:01 PM on 5 August 2019.
Vintage Pete's avatar
 Location: Albury, NSW
 Member since 1 May 2016
 Member #: 1919
 Postcount: 2048

I had a bad memory of a situation when it was taking place , Because years ago I use to be into 4x4 drives and one day while 4 wheel driving with my brother in Crosslands out near Galston , I found a young boy in the bush who had killed himself and so I had to take the police into the bush to show them the body ,,, At the time I was working as a Mechanic in that area and when I returned to work on the monday ... it turned out the boy I had found was a friend of the young lad who was working there on work experience ,,""small world "" ! anyway the family contacted me say thank you ,,The boy was 15 and had been picked on at school ....so this new situation I was taking it seriously .


 Return to top of page · Post #: 8 · Written at 7:44:08 PM on 5 August 2019.
Brad's avatar
 Location: Naremburn, NSW
 Member since 15 November 2005
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 Postcount: 7448

The Galston Gorge has a chequered history for this sort of thing. Not sure if it is still the case but it used to be a bit of a hotspot for weirdos, including Ivan Milat types, not to mention others who just simply didn't want to be found.

A valve a day keeps the transistor away...

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