Help please - STC model 4110
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Location: Canberra, ACT
Member since 11 January 2009
Member #: 416
Postcount: 29
I have a pink STC 4 valve model 4110. I am pretty sure this is a 1951 model but I have a question about the difference between this model and others that seem more common.
Mine has only 2 knobs and does not have the 'radio tower' on the dial that many others have. It does have the original STC dial glass with the STC written logo on the bottom.
I would be grateful for any advice on the difference between the two models (i.e. 2 knob vs 3 knob) and can anyone help on the age. Is my model older or newer than the other more common 3 knob, 'tower logo' model?
Many thanks
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
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Postcount: 7444
The model with the tower on the dial glass is definitely more common. To be honest the only one I've seen without the tower is the one I own and I've often wondered what was so special about mine. Mine is a two knob model too. I would assume that the centre knob on the three knob model would be for tone or wave change, more likely tone as short wave seldom appeared in midget mantels.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Canberra, ACT
Member since 11 January 2009
Member #: 416
Postcount: 29
Brad - thanks.
I note in the 'Radio Days' book it shows the 2 knob - no tower model. I am very curious as to the difference between the two models in age and production.
I think you are correct, that the centre knob on the other models is for tone. The three knob model does not have short wave.
Anyone who can offer further insight?
Location: Canberra, ACT
Member since 11 January 2009
Member #: 416
Postcount: 29
I am now wondering if this is not the original glass dial? Perhaps it is from another STC model?
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
Member #: 1
Postcount: 7444
On page 218-219 there's five 'tower' models with both the two and three knob versions. I wish I had all those colours - mine is the humble brown one.
Without a definite answer from someone more knowledgeable on this model at this point in time I will suggest that the 'towerless' model was a first production run with the tower appearing in subsequent batches. This probably isn't the case but it would seem to make sense.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
Location: Canberra, ACT
Member since 11 January 2009
Member #: 416
Postcount: 29
That is what I thought too - but who knows.
Thanks for your advice. Perhaps someone else would know.
My question, and this is not to do with value as I will never sell it, just out of interest, is that I would love to know whether your thesis is correct. I think it may be. And, if so, does this make this model more rare, or rarer, than the others with the tower?
Location: Harston, VIC
Member since 28 February 2009
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According to A.O.R.S.M. the model 4110 was produced in 1952. The valve lineup was 6BE6 , 6AR7, 6BW6 and 6X5. The circuit shows only two controls; Tuning and volume.
The IF valve was reflexed to give both IF and Audio gain.
The 4111 also came out in 1952 with a different valve lineup and included a switch for an audio pickup from a gramaphone player which was attatched to a tone control pot.
The circuit was similar but valves used were; 6BE^, 6B8 6V6 and 6X5.
Cheers, Graham...
Location: Canberra, ACT
Member since 11 January 2009
Member #: 416
Postcount: 29
The glass dial I have on mine reads "volume" and "tuning" - I wonder if the 1951 model was before the "tower" dial? I am told is it certainly a 1951 model.
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