G`day from W.A.
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Location: Perth, WA
Member since 13 May 2009
Member #: 482
Postcount: 7
G`day all , I found a couple of old radios on the side of the road today , did an internet surf and here I am.
The first one is a Stromberg Carlson model number 506 , it is in reasonably good nick cabinet wise, the chassis appeard OK but is missing a few components and the dial is a mess, the second one has a transfer on the chassis that reads "Bland Radio - Adelaide
for Charley Harper and Co" and model number 28T.
Can anyone tell me a bit about these radios ? Are parts available for them ? I would like to get a set of knobs for the Stromberg and use it for a display if possible , maybe even get it to work if parts can be found - it looks pretty cool.
Cheers, Geoff.
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5357
Stromberg-Carlson does not appear in AORSM so could be before 1938
Bland Radio made "Operatic": 28T is a 1946 Operatic number.
If its that its a vibrator set (from batteries 6V ? check vibrator if fitted)?
Valves should be 1C7G; 1M5G; 1M5G; 1K7; 1L5. If its that?
Make sure that the filaments are wired in the correct polarity as the drop across the filaments as bias. 1K7 is the most sensitive to this due to the position of the diode plates.
Location: Perth, WA
Member since 13 May 2009
Member #: 482
Postcount: 7
Cheers Marcc, thanks for the info but its going in one ear and out the other - I dont know a thing about these radios.
I am an electrician by trade so maybe if I could source a schematic and somewhere to buy parts I could resurrect these old girls.
I have some photos of them that I will try and post up.
Location: Perth, WA
Member since 13 May 2009
Member #: 482
Postcount: 7
Location: Perth, WA
Member since 13 May 2009
Member #: 482
Postcount: 7
HMMMMM - that didnt work - if you copy and paste the address above without the (IMG) bit at either end it will bring up the pictures of the radios.
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5357
Can't tell much with the Stromberg but the wires hanging suggest its a battery operated set. Those batteries are expensive and its a console.
Consoles take up space, all of these factors are probably why it got thrown out.
On the back of the other one are stamped the numbers of the valves. Some are missing. It is possible that you can get them.
It is exactly what I thought it was. It's a 1946 Operatic 28T 6Volt.
The power supply (vibrator unit ) is in that box.
You are going to have to get au fait with what is in it, before you attempt to fix it, find someone who can, or find some one too show you.
Do not even think about hooking it up to power as is.
Circuit is available.
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
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A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
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