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What's a beehive worth?
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Location: Hill Top, NSW
Member since 18 September 2015
Member #: 1801
Postcount: 2065
I'm talking about the Kriesler 11-4 radio.
I have a brown one with shortwave that works fine. The cabinet is nice & shiny apart from a small crack at the top righthand corner of the glass. The knobs are not original, but they are a matching set of 4 black ones.
When I bought it, at the Trash & Treasure at Prestons (near Liverpool), it was missing the speaker and transformer mounted upon it. As luck would have it, I happened to have a unit that perfectly fitted in. After that it worked.
After seaching the forum, I found that there are nearly 40 variants of this radio, with different valves. Unfortunately I have no idea what's in mine (hasn't been opened since it was initially repaired), and there's no stickers on the outside.
Are these radios worth any more than the average radio? Any estimate of the worth of mine?
Location: Wangaratta, VIC
Member since 21 February 2009
Member #: 438
Postcount: 5349
I have repaired a few of those and it was interesting that on a "fix it" day at the Radio Club three turned up & not one of them was the same internally. A typical Kriesler of that era. If you were lucky, two in every eight would still have a good speaker transformer.
They were around $300+ several years ago, but I believe the market has dropped a lot.
Location: Naremburn, NSW
Member since 15 November 2005
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Postcount: 7373
I reckon $250 to $300 for one in very good order. As Marc said though, in recent years radio prices have fallen and in some cases the drop in prices has been quite sharp. In many ways that is unfortunate because a lot of people have burned a lot of money by purchasing radios, mostly believing that they were a sound investment that would always go up in price like housing. A lot of prices around five or six years ago now were bordering on the ridiculous.
A few select favourites still command a tall price, coloured Astor Mickeys and the very rare colours of AWA, Monarch and Peter Pan as well. The rest, including many true classic radios are now worth a lot less.
The 11-4 is not a strong radio. If handled badly or if the cabinet's screws are overtightened you can expect to be shopping for new grille pieces. I own a two-knob model but there is also a less-common four knob model. Dial glasses, again, there was a few types. Cabinets were brown or a couple of painted colours.
A valve a day keeps the transistor away...
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